2010 ISTQ Report
1. JUSE-SCG TQM Training Program for Executives -Tailor-made program for Siam Cement Group, April 19-23, 2010
Siam Cement Group is the largest industrial conglomerate in Thailand. As part of their consecutive training program, 44 executives who play important managerial roles in the SCG's core businesses, chemicals, paper, cement, building materials, and distribution, gathered in Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo. Lectures were provided by the top experts and variety of crucial topics were discussed, as well as a plant visit to the Japan Quality Medal winner.
2010 4-ISTQ Seminar program for your reference
2. JUSE International Seminar on TQM, Jul. 5-15, 2010 [Regular two-week program]
The program covered major TQM topics in depth and provided unique opprtunities to visit Japanese leading companies to enhance the understanding of quality activities. This time, we welcomed 20 participants from India, Taiwan, and Thailand.
- Voice of Participants
- "Lecture was excellent for taking up the various concept of TQM"
- "Very experienced speakers with deep insight of the subject"
- "Industrial visit is excellent. Everything that we learnt in the books were seen in practice"
- "Each of company has success in implementing TQM in various levels of activities"
- "All topics of my interest were covered in its program"

3. JUSE International Seminar on TQM- Tailor-made program for Shenzen Ocean's King Lightning Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Jul. 26-Aug. 3, 2010
Ocean's King is one of the leading manufacturer of top grade lighting products in China. 22 delegates learnt enthusiastically the important elements of TQM activities condensed in a four-day class room lecture. The program focused on management items in the Supply Chain such as Procurement, Design, New Product Development, and Quality Assurance

4. JUSE International Seminar on TQM, Dec. 6-10, 2010 [Intensive one-week program]
Participated by enthusiastic individuals from Egypt, India and Taiwan, the year-end program was held focusing on the core of TQM including plant tours at Japanese leading manufacturers.
2010 3-ISTQ Seminar program for your reference