Deming Prize

TQM Diagnosis by the Deming Prize Committee

Recommended for preparing for the Deming Prize challenge and grasping the level of TQM.

(*) Carrying out the TQM Diagnosis by the Deming Prize Committee is a mandatory requirement upon application for the Deming Prize/Deming Grand Prize (former Japan Quality Medal). In the event that the application is made to prepare for the Deming Prize/Deming Grand Prize (former Japan Quality Medal) challenge, the pre-application consultation will also be carried out by the examiners during the on-site TQM diagnosis.

(*) TQM diagnosis with an aim to prepare for the Deming Prize/Deming Grand Prize (former Japan Quality Medal) will be carried out once, unless otherwise granted by the committee due to changes in application unit, application scope, applicant's organization etc.

1. What is the TQM Diagnosis?

It is useful to have a third party objectively diagnose the implementation status of TQM and provide recommendations so that the organization can better understand where it stands and what it has to do to promote TQM more effectively.

Established in 1971, the TQM Diagnosis, which is provided by the Deming Prize Examination Committee upon request of an organization, aims to contribute to the further development of that organization's TQM.

The TQM Diagnosis is not a preliminary Deming Grand Prize (former Japan Quality Medal)/Deming Prize examination. However, since 2000, the connection between the TQM diagnosis and the Deming Grand Prize (former Japan Quality Medal)/Deming Prize examination has become strengthened. An organization that receives the TQM Diagnosis cannot apply for the Deming Grand Prize (former Japan Quality Medal)/Deming Prize examination that same year.

2. TQM Diagnosis Procedures

The purpose of the TQM Diagnosis is to further advance the promotion and practice of effective TQM in organizations under diagnosis. The TQM diagnosis and resulting guidance is provided from an objective viewpoint to organizations at varying stages of TQM advancement as indicated below. Organizations wishing to receive the TQM Diagnosis must select one of the three reasons provided below and submit the application form (available at the Deming Prize by February 20 th (for TQM diagnosis to be conducted between April in the same year and March 31th in the following year). 
Application will be officially accepted after confirmation of the application form and payment.
However, no diagnosis will be conducted during the Deming Prize examination period (early July to mid-September) in principle.

To receive a diagnosis and recommendations for the introductory or promotional stage of TQM.
To receive a diagnosis and recommendations for making an effective use of the Deming Prize challenge.
To receive a diagnosis and recommendations for making an effective use of the Deming Grand Prize (former Japan Quality Medal) challenge, in lieu of receiving the Post-Prize review three years after receiving the Deming Prize.

The Deming Prize Examination Committee conducts the TQM Diagnosis. While the details of the diagnosis program will be determined in consultation with the applicant organization, the methods and documents used for the diagnosis follow those for the Deming Prize. As a rule, the diagnosis will be based on the organization's presentations, the on-site examination, the document review and questions and answers. The results of the diagnosis will be communicated through a report on the diagnosis findings after the findings of all the examiners who conducted the diagnosis have been compiled. Those companies that wish to receive the TQM Diagnosis should contact the Deming Prize Committee Secretariat.
