

2022 Summary of the Winners Presentations

Following documents were distributed at the 2022 Deming Prize Winners Presentations which was held on Monday, November 14, 2022.

  • [Summary]  The Deming Prize, ASO IIZUKA HOSPITAL(JAPAN)*Japanese only
  • [Summary]  The Deming Prize, Apollo Tyres Limited, Chennai Plant(INDIA)
  • [Summary]  The Deming Prize, Cataler(Wuxi)Automotive Environment
    Technology Co., Ltd.(CHINA)
  • [Commentary]  Commentary, Learning from the Deming Prize winners
[Summary]… Summary of Winner Presentations by prize winners are available.
[Commentary]… PowerPoint slides of the examination committee chair's commentary used at the 2022 Deming Prize Winners Presentations which was held on Monday, November 14, 2022 are available.
Copyright of the Winners Presentation Summary and Commentary belongs to the Deming Prize Committee.
Publication without written permission from the Deming Prize Committee and any kind of unauthorized use of the articles in the Winners Presentation Summary and Commentary such as duplication, reprint, translation, adaptation, distribution, alteration, sending, reuse, reposting for commercial purposes are strictly forbidden.
The contents of the articles are as of the time when the prize was awarded.